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Godot 멀티 인디게임 개발 본문


Godot 멀티 인디게임 개발

레드핑(redping) 2023. 11. 28. 22:09



part2 로직 참고와

GodotSteam 공식문서의 https://godotsteam.com/tutorials/friends_lobbies/  Friends'Lobbies 를 참고하여 로비 create 까지 만든 상황


Friends' Lobbies - GodotSteam

Tutorials - Friends' Lobbies In this quick tutorial we will cover how to get a dictionary of any lobbies belonging to friends that are visible to the user. This was created as it's a pretty common feature for multiplayer games. Functions Explained We will


기억이 가물가물한데, 아마 lobbies docs 가 더 참고할게 많았던것으로 기억.



Lobbies - GodotSteam

Tutorials - Lobbies One of the more requested tutorials is multiplayer lobbies and P2P networking through Steam; this tutorial specifically covers the lobby portion and our P2P tutorial covers the other half. Please note, only use this as a starting point.


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